Monday 29 June 2009

28th June 2009 - "ನಾಯಿ ಬಾಲ...ಯಾವತ್ತು ಡೋಂಕೆ"

"ನಾಯಿ ಬಾಲ...ಯಾವತ್ತು ಡೋಂಕೆ"
I can give many examples which I tend to push till the end and the movement it finishes one final and consistant question that eats my mind was the feeling of..."what if I started early?".

This weekend suppose to be my first internals of MS course. I knew it almost a month back, but never bothered to see the test time...isn't it bad?. yEs...I only realized the test time when Mohan called and started asking about preparation.

I was just thinking "When should I start preparing for this exam? Sunday will be the why not saturday?" OK, I decided. But, as usual plan is always a plan which can change due to un-avoidable circumstances. Pavan is getting engaged...thats good and he planned to give one small treat and the date he fixed was none other than saturday!!!! The date I suppose to start exam preparation. One might think "spend less time for party and concentrate on exams" this is really a good thinking but I doesnt workout when a person wants to spend more time with friends than exams, so it is same case with me and Pavan/subin were eager to finish this party.

So, now why did I mention DOG's tail being always curve....Eventhough I knew the exam dates long back, I pushed the preparation date very close to exam...this is what I did even during my engineering days. But it doesnt seem to work all the time. I spent two days friday/saturday in friends, movie, chat, bike stuffs, shopping, nice evening/moonlight walks and heavy sound sleeps. So, where is the time for exam preparation :).

Early Sunday morning I borrowed pen from Pavan and reached the exam hall almost 25 minutes late. Lady superviser handed over question paper and answer booklet. what question should I attend now? out of 5 only 3 I could answer and rest 2 questions are related to last class lecturer, I missed that class too..."why did i miss my last class???" There is one more story attached to this. Anyway...first internals was scraped totally. I might get hardly 10....... :(

Lets prepare well for the next exam as early as possible. I am not sure if its going to happen..since "ನಾಯಿ ಬಾಲ...ಯಾವತ್ತು ಡೋಂಕೆ".

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